Ahoy mateys! We're sure you've been wondering just who is behind
this scurvy scheme, well we'll be tellin' ya in our own words we will!
Dragon - Captain of the Firedrake, leader of this mad scheme:
Wanted across the Seven Seas by all Navies and Seagoing Realms for crimes against shipping and
a disregard for the powers that be. A veteran of the C5, C6, C7, C9 and C10 campaigns, Captain Dragon
has seen many hard fought battles, emerging victorious each time. His home port is San Diego but he
frequents many other far off and exotic places such as Corporate Goth and an occasional visit to
alt.gothic and alt.gothic.fashion. In between infamous voyages to scour the high seas for plunder
and booty, Dragon has been involved in putting on clubs in the San Diego area for landlubbers
and scurvy dogs alike. This is not his first time helping to organize Convergence, he served
as event coordinator and assistant stage manager at C7 in New York. His exploits with bottles of
rum are legendary in his own mind and he might even have some notoriety with some of his friends.
Official duties: Committee Chairman, Entertainment Coordinator.
Trid - Cabin Boy and Ship's Idiot:
Trid is second in command of this voyage of insanity. A member of the Convergence 9 committee,
he brings weird imagination and gratuitous leg humping to the effort. Trid has attended C6, C7,
C9 and C10.
Official duties: Official bid spokesperson, Whatever needs fixin' and whatever Dragon drops in his lap.
Christal Blu - Mistress of Naughty:
Get out of line and Christal will have you taking forty lashes or getting keel-hauled.
And she does all that and more in her spare time between wrangling the vendors and
ensuring that there will be plenty of bizarre booty gracing the bazaar. Christal is
a veteran of the Convergence 9 committee and came abord this ship to whip the crew into proper
seafaring shape. Christal has attended C6, C7, C9, and C10.
Official duties: Vendor Coordinator.
Colleen - Ship's Decorator: Colleen is my namesake, but many people call
me Bear because I'm cute and cuddly until you piss me off. Then I debate on whether to run you
through or toss you off the cliff to the rocky reef below. I'm also know as Wyngdlyon in the
online commuity.I'm in charge of keepin' this ship top notch in appearance. I can take a piece
of silk and make things from it beyond your imagination. I came aboard this ship right before
C10 and astonished people with the Captain's clothing even half way across the country.
Colleen attended C10 and has experience organizing SCA events.
Official duties: Decoration Coordinator.
Ducky - Our own, Personal, Jesus:
A case of mistaken identity led Ducky to be Shanghaied into our crew. On a raid of
a Spanish treasure galleon, we found him hanging on the wall of the ship's chapel.
Taken down from the crucifix, he now serves to propel the Firedrake through the
currents and winds of Cyberspace with his strange, mystical powers. Ducky attended
C10 and has experience organizing SCA events.
Official duties: Web crew, technical support.
Gcat - Coxswain: Arrr! Avast thar matey!
If'n ye be needin a longboat or just a jollyboat I be the one to deal with. We have
the best longboats this ports ever seen. However please make yer plans soon and in time or
be marooned port side. Yer seat can be paid fer by visiting the treasures location here
at Cloud 9 Shuttle. Me
ports of interest be the port of LJ, MySpace and me home port be
gcat-inc.com, you'll find me by my alter
ego "gcat". Beware though, never without me trusty camera and minions to keep the nights pillagin'
and plundering in remembrance are we! However we not be in the mood fer black spotting...
maybe a bit of flogging but that be another story to take to Davey Jones's Locker. This
will be our first pillage of a convergence event and we look forward to making it one
filled with many good times. Pat has not attended a Convergence but has experience
organizing large events with the SCA.
Official duties: Transportation coordinator, LiveJournal Liaison, LAN Party Coordinator.
Adam - Gunner's Mate: Ahoy, they
call me Adam. Locally, I be "Blue-haired" Adam...likely cause I've
had a blue head since may 2002. And no....no relation at all to Blue
Beard, says me and my dagger. I'm a computer bard, and general nerd.
I've finally managed to find my way to wild times of C10, after some
4-5 years of plotting and planning, and now I'm helping to scheme and plot
to overtake the future of C11. Adam attended C10 and has helped organize
the Labyrinth of Jareth Ball.
Official duties: Web crew, general help.
Suzanne - Fashion Constable:
Suzanne has long been a hard mistress to please when it comes to clothing but she takes things
in hand and does her best to ensure there will be no crimes of fashion. She will make stunningly
clad models walk the plank for your viewing pleasure. Suzanne attended and vended at Convergence 9
she has experience organizing fashion shows for such events as Leatherfest.
Official duties: Fashion Show Coordinator.
Joi - Navigator: I've been on the Internet since
1993 and dabbled in alt.gothic for about a year before becoming very busy with other things.
I run GotBlack.com and GotBlack Radio.
These days, I can be found wandering around on LiveJournal, MySpace, and the GB forums.
I've been to C3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Official duties: Web crew, Publicity.
Tanya - Ship's Painter:
A winsome, quiet lass also known as Bluegirlb with a talent for the pen and brush. Her skills have helped
make this place look quite attractive. She joined the crew of the Firedrake just as we left to pillage and
plunder the shores of Chicago at Convergence 10. She is a veteran of Convergence 9 as well. More of
her work can be seen at her Home Port.
Official duties: Graphic design, Copy editor.
Anastasia - Mistress of Pretty Things:
Ah yes, we came across this fine crew member aboard a French vessel. She escaped with our help,
from the clutches of that long time rival of the British Crown with a cargo of fine and precious
artworks. She will be displaying them for your viewing pleasure when we reach port. Anastasia
attended C6 and C7.
Official duties: Artshow and Silent Auction Coordinator.
Albertine - Mistress of the Treasury:
One gold piece, two gold pieces, three... A ruby, an emerald, silver bars and pieces of eight.
Albertine brings her budgetary prowess to bear to finance the voyage and keep us on a
successful heading. She will steer a course through the reefs and shoals of the treachorous
waters of finance.
Official duties: Accountant.
Shelley - Ship's Barrister:
Shelley brings her legal skills to the ship because not all battles are fought with cannon and cutlass.
The battle of words and contracts can be just as dangerous as any boarding action. Having fought on
the decks of the famed Crimson Permanent Assurance, she is a formidable warrior indeed.
Official duties: Legal Consultant.
Ian - Ship's Lookout:
A veteran of several past campaigns including Convergences 5, 7, 9 and 10, Ian keeps watch for
obstacles along the way, hostile ships, and ports of call where we might find a haven from
the Admiralty. In his spare time he has been known to fill the ship with song from
some infernal magic box and brilliant shiny discs.
Official duties: Publicity.
Penguin - Big, Flightless Bird:
Everyone needs a formal aquatic avian in bondage gear and we have found one of our very own. Captured along
the shores of New Orleans, he was lost and far from home. Even so, he has quite a tale to tell
and has been known to be quite an attraction for some pirate wenches. Penguin is a veteran of C5, C7, C9 and C10.
Official duties: Creative consultant, Film/Video Coordinator.
Slinky - Attitude Officer: Slinky doesn't like you.
Slinky doesn't like anyone, unless you are a mouse, a bird or a bug. Are you
a mouse? A bird? A bug? Slinky wants to bite you. Yum. You taste good.
Slinky is bored with you. He wants you to go away. Hack! Hack! Hack!
You gave Slinky a hairball. Slinky does not care about Convergence
and would not attend even if given a ticket. Captain's Note:
we on the San Diego committee take no responsibility whatsoever for anything
Slinky may say or do. Approach him at your own risk, not valid in Puerto Rico
or the Marianas Islands, take Slinky responsibly and don't drive
under his influence. Remember, you have been warned...
Official duties: Giving you attitude.
Page Last modified: May 13 2007 22:47:07.