Convergence is a grass-roots event organized by the net.Goth community for the net.Goth community. It has a ten year history growing out of discussions on the alt.gothic newsgroup on Usenet. It became a reality in Chicago way back in 1995 when a few brave souls took the initiative to change talk into action and make it happen.

Since that small but auspicious start, Convergence has grown to be the prime net.Goth event in North America. Like any other organic entity, it has had its growing pains and a few bumps along the way but it has continued and grown and become a tradition in its first decade of existence. Now that Convergence is entering its second decade, it seemed like an appropriate time to say thank you to all those people who have made it what it is.

First of all, we wish to thank the brave souls who transformed the discussion into a real event where net.Goths could meet face to face for a long weekend of fun. That first committee long ago was made up of GothPat, Heather Spear, CK Derrick, Paul Rice and Aaron Wooster. The event next moved to Boston in the capable hands of Cusraque and a few others. From there it has happened in San Francisco, Toronto, New Orleans, Seattle, New York, Montreal, Las Vegas and once again in Chicago.

We wish to thank every person who has worked on each of the past events as volunteers and committee members. There are many people involved and if we tried to name them all, we are sure we would forget somebody. So we therefore offer a collective thank you to each and every one of you for your time, your effort, and your courage to put this event on.

All of the effort put in by the organizers would all be for nought if it weren't for the people who attend the event. Thus, we also offer a huge thank you to all of you who have attended the event and helped to make it the special annual weekend it has become. All of us who have worked on Convergence in the past could not have done any of this without the continued support of the community.

The staff of the hotels and venues that have hosted the event deserve a mention as well. They have been a key ingredient to the success of Convergence over the years and we offer a hearty "thank you" to the dedicated and friendly staff who have helped make the Convergence experience what it is.

And finally, we wish to thank the people who have run the annual proposal and voting process. Without their effort, this event could have become a disaster long ago. We want everyone to know that their efforts are appreciated. Organizing an event of this size can often feel like a thankless job to those putting in the hard work to make it happen. With that in mind, we want each and every person who has had anything to do with bringing the event together to know that their efforts are appreciated. The San Diego Committee says "thank you" to all of the hard-working and dedicated people associated with Convergence. Your time and hard work have made this event an ongoing success for ten years in a row. We hope that it will go on from here and that we will have more people to say "Thank You" to as time goes by.

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Grub & Grog
Thank You