Should San Diego be selected to host Convergence 11, we will be hosting the first ever Film Festival in the 11-year history of Convergence. This festival will be hosted by David White (aka Penguin) who is an active independent film-maker. Others in the film industry will be invited to participate in the festival and its associated workshop sessions.

The Festival would run from Friday, April 22, 2005 through Sunday, April 24, 2005 and will feature three divisions: narrative short film, narrative feature film, and experimental.

Submission dates would be from November 1, 2004 to March 1, 2005. Submission of films will be FREE for all Convergence attendees (simply provide proof of a valid ticket receipt when submitting your film). There is no limit to the number of films that may be submitted but the committee reserves the right to choose which films are selected for screening and when they are scheduled. Those people who will not be attending Convergence who wish to submit a film will be required to pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of screening.

All film submissions will be screened by a panel of experts and prizes will be awarded in each category. Prizes have not yet been determined but will be announced as soon as possible after the Convergence vote process.

Convergence 11 would also host at least two film workshops made up of experts from the industry who can offer aspiring filmmakers some insight into the process of film-making. While these workshops are intended to be a technical discussion for aspiring film-makers, they should also appeal to anyone interested in gaining an inside perspective of the film-making process.

When not showing festival movies, the screening room will be showing movies for the masses, everything from Hollywood blockbusters to independent films to entertain your senses.

The best part is that you, the Convergence attendees, will get to pick the movies beforehand. That’s right, before Convergence you can send your movie suggestions and there is a good possibility that you will be able to enjoy your favorite (or even least favorite) movies with some of your favorite friends.

If you have any questions regarding the film festival or screenings, please send us an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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