"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." - Book 1
Special Guest
Behold, a goth-friendly media personality! A fixture in Canadian media for
over 20 years, Daniel Richler has worked in radio, television and print as
a producer, broadcaster and writer. His gothly ventures of note include
producing and hosting the vampire quiz show Reach for the Crypt,
the world's first undead TV quiz show, BookTelevision: The Channel,
of which he is the Editor-in-Chief/Supervising Producer,
and writing for Udolpho, the monthly publication of the British
Gothic Society.
He is also the author of the punk coming-of-age novel, Kicking Tomorrow,
which was set in Montréal.
As part of the writer's programming, Daniel will be reading some of his
gothic journalism pieces, as well as screening Reach for the Crypt.
Guest Authors
Convergence has invited 5 guest authors to attend this year's convention
for a two-part writing program, to be held Saturday, June 1, at the
hotel. Times and room number to follow. The guest authors are:
Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
Stephanie Bedwell-Grime is the author of the vampire novel The
Bleeding Sun, and the novelette Dark Desire. New Concepts
Publishing has just released her zombie book The Dead Walk.
Sephera Giron
Sephera Giron is the author of the horror novels House of Pain
and Eternal Sunset. In 2002, watch for Eternal Nightmare
and The Birds And The Bees, as well as several short stories in
anthologies such as Hot Blood 11, Decadance, Random
Acts Of Weirdness, Asylum 2 and Tales From The Backseat.
Under her pen name Ariana, she has written the non-fiction book
House Magic: The Good Witch's Gude To Bringing Grace To Your Space..
Nancy Kilpatrick
Award-winning author Nancy Kilpatrick has published 14 novels, 5
collections of stories, and has edited 7 anthologies. Her most
recent works include: Bloodlover (4th in the "Power of the Blood
vampire series, Baskerville Books); Graven Images (dark fantasy
anthology co-edited with Thomas Roche, Ace Books); Cold Comfort
(collection of horror stories, Dark Tales Publishing). Look for her
non-fiction book on the gothic subculture, to be released fall 2003
by St. Martin's Press.
Michael Rowe
Michael Rowe is the author or editor of seven books including the
vampire anthologies Sons Of Darkness and Brothers Of The
Night, and the two-time Lambda Literary Award and Spectrum
Award-nominated gay horror fiction anthology Queer Fear,
and its sequel slated for later this year. An award-winning
mainstream journalist and essayist, his genre-related work has
appeared in Rue Morgue, All Hallows and The Scream
Factory. He has been the Canadian correspondent for Fangoria
magazine since 1987, and is a member of both PEN Canada and The Horror
Writers Association.
Edo VanBelkom
Edo van Belkom is the Aurora and Bram Stoker Award winning author
and editor of 20 books, and of nearly 200 short stories. His latest
book is the supernatural horror novel Martyrs. Other novels
include Teeth and Lord Soth. Short story collections
include Death Drives A Semi and Six Inch Spikes. Edo
is also a horror movie host, introducing movies at Midnight Monday
to Thursday on Scream, Canada's digital all-horror television
Writing Panel
A ninety-minute panel. The guest authors will read brief excerpts
from their works and discuss their own writing, writing and publishing
in general and gothic/horror writing in particular, and as well will
entertain questions from the audience. Attendance is free.
Author Signing
The guest authors will sign their books for the audience.
Zine Fair
Convergence is pleased to present a Zine Fair, where zine creators
of all genres can share their work, network with other self-publishers
and share their expertise with fledgling writers.
This year's participants are,
The City Morgue Magazine, Washington, DC
Discipline Magazine, Montréal, QC
Hymni Nocturnales, Montréal, QC
Legends Magazine, South River, NJ
Meltdown Magazine, United Kingdom.
Toronto Dark Writer's Group
Strange Emulsions, Detroit, MI/Windsor. ON
Monochrome Beast, Ottawa, ON
Fear Itself, Toronto, ON
Vaalkyrie, Toronto, ON
Zine Publishing "How To" Presentations
The afternoon portion of the C8 writers programming on Saturday June
1st will feature presentations on zine publishing and a panel
The purpose of the presentations is to give newbies to a quick
overview of what they need to know (or what the rest of you wish
you had known) about self-publishing.
Zine Panel Discussion
The final event of the writer's programming will be a panel discussion
about zine culture, featuring panelists from those featured at the
Zine Fair, and moderated by 50 Ft Queenie.
Fashion Show
Friday Night
Vendors Bazaar
Saturday Night
Day Tours
Group Dinner
Sunday Night
Unofficial Events