Convergence VIII Montréal: Angels Among Us














       "...his pride
Had cast him out from heaven, with all his host
Of rebel angels."
- Book 1, ll. 36-38
Hailing from the metropolis of Montréal, where he stalked the night with fierce abandon, Casper Von Bittergoff felt a restless stirring within his soul. With brooding eye and blackened lips he came to settle upon our now uneasy shores, where he perfected the art of being simultaneously charming and malevolent.

Having made himself notorious in every goth bar in Toronto, Casper decided to further terrorize the locals by stepping behind the decks at Savage Garden, and then at Anarchists Cocktail, where he threw down a heady mix of old and new goth, rivethead anthems, 80's stuff that doesn't suck, and fun bouncy punk rock. Casper has been an alt.gothic regular for years, known for his quaint habit of Always Typing His Messages Like This.



"So much of death her thoughts
Had entertained as dyed her cheeks with pale"
- Book 10
Rachel aka Pandora to the net community. She was born in Coventry, England (ooh, automatic goth point!), but fled to Canada shortly after, as horrifying conditions forced the family to relocate.

Currently, Rachel is the content editor of Dark Wave Nights, a website for one of Montréal's premiere goth nights. She has guest DJed under the guise of DJ Elektra for Dark Wave Nights at Ezra, and co-DJed for Endzeit at Redemption. She was also one of four DJs for the Apocrypha event on New Year's Eve 2000 at Redemption. She has had delusions of grandeur for Montréal's scene ever since she got back from WGT (Wave Gotik Treffen) this past June in Leipzig, Germany.

Pandora has been a lurker on alt.gothic for many years and is also a regular on in addition to multiple scene-relevant mailing lists.

When she is not being driven mad by her clients at a local travel agency, she can be seen sipping iced coffees at local café.


"Darkened so, yet shone
Above them all th'archangel,"
- Book 1, ll.599-600
Siobhán was one of the organizers of the highly successful Convergence IV in Toronto, which featured Faith and the Muse and provided net.goths with their very own castle to storm. Like the leather-clad masochist that she is, she helped produce the Hallowmas Festival in October of 1999, where she provided a guided tour of haunted places in Toronto. After both events she swore she would never get involved in any gothic festival ever again. Apparently her penance is not over, for in a fit of delirium she suggested the possibility of doing another Convergence in Montréal, and the rest is divine providence.

Despite her insistence that she's not a goth, but just a crusty old punk who wears a lot of black, Siobhán has been an alt.gothic regular for years and is one of the core members of the local scene. She maintains the Canadian Gothic Events Web Site, and marshals the troops for regular drinking sessions. It goes without saying that Convergence VIII will benefit from the tactical training Siobhán received during her fiery baptisms on C4 and Hallowmas. If the first two goth festivals didn't do her in, she must be bulletproof.



"Thither came Uriel, gliding through the even
On a sunbeam." - Book 4
Uriel, the Angel of Salvation, on the twelfth day of June 1973, took mortal form in the new born body of Olivier Raimbault deMontigny-Papier. He spent an interesting childhood, eventually attending Concordia University in the field of Philosophy. During his period of scholastic servitude, he became a DJ at the local radio station. It was also during this time that he discovered the world of the Angels, through the Dictionary of Angels, and Milton's Paradise Lost.

While his earlier musical interests included Punk and various similarly angry sounds, they have since progressed to the realm of those things gothic and beautiful. His current love is anything sensuous and doleful, with an emphasis on obscurities and long-forgotten classics. His main hobby is purchasing CD's, a pastime that wreaks no end of havoc on his bank account. He has managed to aquire an impressive collection of CD's, but will not be sated until he has everything gothic ever released.

In his spare time, Olivier scours the internet almost constantly for anything dark and dreary, reads copious quantities of romantic poetry, plays at web page design, draws, and still manages to go out four or five nights a week. He has about fifty pounds of pennies.

The Seraphim
"His legions, angel forms, who lay entranced"
- Book 1, line. 301
Party Secretary

Transplanted from the other side of the pond to the wilds of Toronto, Axel spends copious amount of time discoursing eruditely about world politics, charming the locals with his accent and perfecting the art of lounging in sleek black suits. As Party Secretary, he protects innocent media types from the wrath of the SuperAdmiral and the Alpha Male, and advises the C8 Committee on exactly how much money they do not have available to spend.

An alt.gothic regular for years, Axel's superpowers include knowing everything about anything, and being universally liked. This combination makes his friends rather nervous. None of them will be at all surprised when he tries to take over the world.


50 Ft Queenie
Writers Programming
Web Content Editor

50 Ft Queenie is a picky literature snob who would much rather write other people's bios than her own, because talking about oneself is really rather tedious. An alt.gothic poster since September 1998, she is also a freelance writer with delusions of grandeur, and one of the founders and moderators of the Toronto Dark Writers Group. Since November 1999, she has been a regular contributor to Starvox, the infamous goth/industrial ezine.

Siobhan and Casper looked at her with puppy dog eyes one drunken night, which is how she found herself involved in the glorious madness that is Convergence. Caught between Siobhan's mohawk and Casper's accent, she didn't really stand a chance.


50 Ft Queenie
Nancy Kilpatrick
Writers Programming

A resident of Montréal, Nancy Kilpatrick is also an award-winning author who has published 14 novels, 5 collections of stories, and has edited 7 anthologies. Her most recent works include: Bloodlover (4th in the "Power of the Blood vampire series, Baskerville Books); Graven Images (dark fantasy anthology co-edited with Thomas Roche, Ace Books); Cold Comfort (collection of horror stories, Dark Tales Publishing). Look for her non-fiction book on the gothic subculture, to be released fall 2003 by St. Martin's Press.


Nancy Kilpatrick
Fashion Show

Born in France, Sonia (aka Zonix) soon discovered her flair for fashion. Three years in Berlin perfected her sense of unique style combined with modern gothic comfort. Her experience in sales at Montréal's "fetish Emporium", Il Bolero, allowed her to finally pinpoint the uniqueness she was aiming for and she opened her first alternative clothing store Cyclops Underground in 1996. Cyclops was not quite gothic, not quite fetish, but a new symbioses in between the two styles.

Her current outlet is Diabolik, which is known for it's diversity, creativity and exploration of old looks mixed with new textures.

Fashion Show

Like her emblem the Spider, she weaves her web in order to reach her goals. Carine has been working as a hair stylist for almost nine years. Through her career, she has participated in many fashion productions, photo sessions, and other similar events not only as a hairdresser, but also as a model.

Sunday Fashion Event

Having been interested in couture since she was a child, Sandra (a.k.a. "cosmicstar" or "isobel_59") a Montreal native, completed her diploma in fashion design in 1997. Feeling artistically unsatisfied with her four years in the fashion industry, she decided to embark on a new mission and founded corset design company Ritual Designs. In that time she has also taken on other ventures such as last year's successful Sacrilege fetish fashion show at the Foufounes Electriques in Montréal.

Sandra, with partner Karen Simpson (a.k.a. Scrletscorpio), have been inciting a corsetry revolt. Passionate about clothing design, she draws her inspirations from music, culture and people in general. She also enjoys an eclectic range of music including punk, industrial and electro 80’s, and feels that Nina Hagen is one of the most amazing women ever. You will probably find Sandra lurking around Live journal every now and then.

Also, should you happen to meet her cute fluffy kitty, don't be fooled. He’s actually quite evil.


Sunday Fashion Event

Karen (aka Scarlet or Scarletscorpio) is a fashion designer by trade, as well as a graphic designer and tattoo artist. Having always been involved in a variety of artistic endeavors, fashion has been her first love. After working in the industry for 3 years and despising every minute of her corporate whoredom, she took a sabbatical that led her to intensive partying and a renewed friendship with fellow classmate, Sandra, Ritual Designs was born in it's present incarnation. An avid common interest in corsets and all things freaky has developed into an intensely creative and fulfilling experience. World domination is next on the agenda.

Karen can often be seen swilling a Heineken, and never refuses a shot Jagermeister (except for last week).


Additional Thanks

The members of the Convergence VIII Montréal Committee would also like to thank the following "unofficial" people;

For resources and photography. His pictures of Montréal are what started this whole thing.

For his l33t programming skills. And for stepping in at every event and calmly putting in as many hours of labour as we do.

lady usher
For coming to our rescue as deadlines ran screaming at us, fists wailing.

For everything. You rock, yo.

For taking charge of the volunteers and for doing all the unglamourous grunt work that needed to be done to make the event run smoothly.

Mr Sharkey
For photography. The only person out there who could make Siobhán and Casper photogenic. (Mostly by turning off the lights.) And for Milton.

For giving us the benefit of her advice and experience when we honestly had no clue what we were doing.

For creating some truly gorgeous artwork.

For bad influence and feedback

For every person who encouraged us in this insanity.