Convergence VIII Montréal: Angels Among Us












The War In Heaven
           "Towards him they bend
with awful reverence prone;"   Book 2

Dancefloor DJs

Sexbat "Sexbat isn't real grow up!"

The bastard offspring of Eddie Munster and Eddie Izzard, 'Sexbat' claims to have invented the term net.goth while drunk in the days when the internet was just three blokes with a length of string shouting at each other. Responsible for Take A Bite, Aircrash Monthly, and blamed for much else besides.

Resident DJ at The Whitby Gothic Weekend for the last 9 years, Sexbat has also had residencies at Afterhours and the Bratcave in London (England not Ontario), as well as guest spots all over Europe and the USA including Convergence 5.

He used to be funny, he used to be famous, no one quite knows why, least of all him. He will tell many stories about the Punk Wars and the early days of goth in exchange for drugs and vodka - he will stop telling the stories in exchange for money and power.

Scary Lady Sarah
Scary Lady Sarah

Scary Lady Sarah had her first DJ experience way back in 1986 as co-host of a weekly college radio program. Her career as a club DJ started shortly afterwards when she co-founded her current weekly Goth club event, Nocturna in 1988. Since then she has been a featured DJ at some of the most prestigous Goth events in the world, including: Convergences I, V, VI, (& now VIII); the "C7 Rescue" Saturday night event in NYC; several times at the U.K.'s Whitby Gothic Weekend festivals; the Wave Gotik Treffen festival in Leipzig, Germany; the Carnival of Souls festival in Derby, U.K.; two of Boston's Danse Macabre festivals; the Dracula's Ball in Philadelphia, and as the featured DJ for the "Black Out A.D." U.S. tour, which featured Faith & the Muse and Judith and has also guest DJed gigs in over 25 states.

Scary Lady Sarah's work as a DJ and the events presented by her company American Gothic Productions are an expression of her passion for music. In some circles, she is known as the "Bill Gates of Chicago's Goth Scene".


Fross Trawl back far enough and you might even find the last time Fross posted to alt.gothic. On a good day, with a following wind. Search a little further, back to 1987, and you'd find him DJing in Rome, and almost giving up for the next fifteen years or so. More recently, and relevantly, he's been playing at Whitby Gothic Weekend IV-IX, Convergence V-VI (and almost VII!), Slimelight, Bratcave, The Calling, Decadence, Assimilation, and many other spots.

Expect EBM, Industrial and bits from whatever else comes to hand. His Convergence V-VII sets and more information are available to download on his website.


Mr Black
Mr Black Hailing from Montréal, Canada, Mr.Black was first bitten by the "DJ bug" as an assistant DJ, at Montreal's now legendary Thunderdome club in the late eighties. He went on to become one of the three founders of the production company Cutthroat Productions, and the media companies Papercuts, & Finalcut.

Mr. Black re-surfaced as a DJ in 1997 with the advent of the now popular, "Darkwave Nights", at the Purple Haze club in Montréal with an equally balanced mix of both old school & new school Goth, Industrial, New Wave, Alternative & some Ebm. Over the years Darkwave Nights has become a staple of the Montréal goth scene and now takes place every Friday at the second floor of the Saphir club.


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