Convergence VIII Montréal: Angels Among Us













May 31-June 2 2002
       "...they anon
With hundreds and with thousands trooping came
Attended." - Book 1
Like the statues they once were, the angels stand tall, eyes fully open now. Their proud wings, so long unused, unfurl slowly as the dust of ages falls from them like snow.

A wild joy fills their eyes that were once stone cold. They called, you answered, and now they await your coming.

There is much to do to prepare their beloved Montréal, the City of a Thousand Steeples, for you, their honoured guests, and so with a flurry of white, the angels fly softly into the night...

May 21 2002
Mara's Torment has been added as a musical accompaniment to the Meet'n'Greet at the hotel. Details are linked from the events page.

The final DJ has been announced for the Friday night. Details are linked from the events page.

Pre-registration is now closed, but tickets for all events are still available. Details can be found on the Tickets page.

Updates have also been made to the Events, Fashion Show, Sponsors, Writers, Workshops, Team, and Links pages, and some general housekeeping was done around the site.

April 25 2002
A new page has been added for the Sunday night Masquerade Ball. Details are linked from the events page.

April 22 2002
The final band line-up has been announced. Details of acts that will be appearing on Friday and Saturday nights can be found linked from the events page.

April 20 2002
The Workshops page has been updated. Details are linked from the events page.

There is still space for a couple of workshops. Anyone who is interested in presenting a workshop should contact Siobhan.

April 19 2002
An Unofficial Events page and a map have been added to the site. Details are linked from the events page.

April 17 2002
An additional fashion exhibit has been added to the Sunday night. See the fashion show page for details.

People who are interested in participating in the Fashion Exhibit should contact Sandra and Karen.

April 10 2002
The DJs for the Saturday night at the Spectrum have been announced. Details are linked from the events page.

Updates have been made to the hotel page to include a list of amenities located close to the official hotel and to add some of the hostels in Montrél where those on a budget might find alternative accomodations.

Updates have been made to the travel page to include driving directions to the official hotel.

March 23 2002
Some of the DJs for the Sunday night Masquerade have been announced. Details are linked from the events page.

March 23 2002
A new mailing list has been set up for people who are travelling to Convergence VIII from the San Francisco Bay area.

March 19 2002
The first set of bands has been announced. Details of acts that will be appearing on Friday and Saturday nights can be found linked from the events page.

March 12 2002
The room and ride-sharing page is now up and running. Thanks go to Macross for setting this up.

Driving directions to the official hotel have also been added to the travel page.

March 4 2002
Two new sizes have been added to the t-shirt order. A limited number of lady's Baby-Tees and Triple-X sizes will be printed to fill advance orders.

The fashion show organizer will be closing the period for admissions by designers at the end of the week. People who are interested in showing their designs should contact her before this time.
fashion show

An "allies" page has been added to the site to showcase the people and businesses who have been very generous in donating gifts to be used as prizes and giveaways throughout the Convergence VIII weekend.

As always, volunteers are always needed to help things run more smoothly both before and during the event. Anybody who would like to pitch in and help make Convergence a success should contact Matt Ardill at

February 13 2002
Tickets are now on sale for those wishing to order by mail-in. Details can be found on the ticketing page, along with links to the registration form. T-shirts can also be ordered at the same time.

February 8 2002
Updates have been made to the fashion show, vendors, writers, day tours, and group dinner pages.
All the information can be accessed by looking at the planned events

January 10 2002
The Convergence VIII Rollcall page is now up and running. Thanks go to Madelyn for setting this up. Sign up at

A new mailing list has been set up for people travelling to Montreal from the UK. For information on how to subscribe, visit

A mail-in registration form has been added to the hotel page for those who wish to make their reservations by email or fax.

November 26 2001
The Convergence VIII hotel is now accepting reservations. Go to the hotel page for full details.

Also a venue has been added for the Sunday night. The War in Heaven Masquerade Ball will be held at Foufounes Électrique, a spaceous club that allows for multiple DJs. A full update can be found on the venue page.

October 2001
The Convergence VIII committee would like to thank everybody who voted for Montreal in 2002.

Details at being confirmed and the most recent updates will be found here. You can also watch for announcements on alt.gothic.convergence and related newsgroups, or on the afterglow mailing list.

Any concerns or questions can be directed to the Convergence VIII committee at

"Then wilt thou not be loath
To Leave this Paradise, but shalt possess
A Paradise within thee, happier far." - Book 12