"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." - Book 1
Basic beginners corsetry workshop
Participants will learn the steps I use in making a simple
victorian hourglass underbust corset. The workshop is open to any sewing
level, even if you have never made a corset before. There will be examples
of each stage of the process and each stage will be explained in detail.
Each participant obviously will NOT be making an actual corset during this
workshop but I will provide proper notes and a basic pattern for all
participants to take home with them. Some points on how a corset pattern is
actually drafted will also be covered so each person can see exactly how it
is the corset pattern comes into being, although more than just one workshop
would be needed to actually teach pattern drafting it is good to get an idea
of where if comes from. I will also cover a quick history of corsetry and
explain the different styles of corsetry. Paticipants should leave the
workshop with enough knowledge to easily create a corset for themselves.
Things needed for the workshop: Since there will be no actual sewing all you
need is notebook and an open ear (or two!). There will be no charge for this
workshop although you may tip the teacher if you so desire! Feel free to ask
questions as well.
About The Teacher
Batty has owned her own clothing company Azrael's Accomplice Designs since
1996. She has attended school for both costume and fashion design and has
studied corsetry and historic fashion since a very young age. Her designs
have been featured in many publications and events both within the gothic
scene and within the high fashion scene.
Gothy/Magickal Crafts For Kids Big And Small
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be
the world." Mahatma Gandhi
Folks joining this workshop will be learning crafts to show their
children such as making a spell book, and a paper dragon. A
demonstration on an easy, no sewing children's cape will be shown.
A hand out will be given at the end of the workshop providing 2
additional crafts, with directions. All the crafts discussed can
be amended for children of various ages.
There is no cost for this workshop. Participants are encouraged to
bring their own scissors, glue and markers, though supplies will be
provided by Ms. Laura. It is better to have too much than not enough.
An old shirt or apron is encouraged, but not required. Tipping is
greatly appreciated.
About The Teacher
Ms. Laura, to her students, has been working for 3 years at the
Virtual Y After-school Program as Art Director. She has been
selling her crafts and vegetable based body products in Gothic and
various forums.
The Glories of Fake Hair
Come to this workshop to learn about the whys and how-to's of
fake hair. There will be a discussion about the differences between
extensions, falls and wigs and tips on how to make them (and you!)
look their absolute best.
About The Teacher
Hair Police have been perfecting their unique dreadlock and hair
extension techniques for 16 years. They offer extensive seminars
and have affiliates in Minneapolis, Texas, Santa Fe, Chicago,
and London.
Earring/Piercing Charm Making
For Beginners
"Elise Matthesen is my favourite jewellery maker; and she can do
some pretty nifty things with beads, besides..." ~Neil Gaiman
Participants will learn how to construct or repair basic wire-style
(not post) earrings, and how to make simple piercing dangle-charms.
Each participant will make at least one such item to take with them;
some will probably make three or four.
No experience needed. There is no cost for the workshop, but some
special supplies may be available for purchase. (Tipping the teacher
is also permitted, should anyone desire to do so.)
If you have tools (very small pliers, especially jewelry
pliers; small wire cutters) please do bring them along. I will have
some tools to share, but more is always good.
I will have basic supplies available at no cost (plus a few
special beads to purchase, if my artist suppliers have some good
stuff for me to bring). If you have beads, charms or metal wire,
please do bring them. (We'll also put a bowl out for beadsharing, so
if you have some to share with others, that'd be great.) If you have
broken earrings or other jewelry you want to cannibalize for parts,
definitely bring it along!
Elise Matthesen has been making jewelry all her life, and
doing so professionally under the name "Lioness" for the past few
years. Her one-of-a-kind named necklaces are collected by many
writers, editors and fans of fantasy/science fiction literature.
Clothing Swap
Open to all pre-registered participants. Clothing and accessories
(bags, belts, jewelry...). No makeup, please. All clothing will be
brought into one room and placed on tables. Then everyone is let
loose to look at the clothing and haggle with each other. Trading
is done then and there with fantastic results. That's how it works,
it's that easy!
Keep in mind the best stuff always goes first, so get there early.
Any leftovers that you care to donate will go to benefit a local
shelter or charity.
The clothing swap will be presided by Yosa.
Fashion Show
Friday Night
Vendors Bazaar
Writer's Progamming
Saturday Night
Day Tours
Group Dinner
Sunday Night
Unofficial Events