Contacts and Site Information


Site updated: 8/25/2000 12:08

Site Credits

Committee chairperson: November
Site design and layout: Mari Storch
Images by: Megan S
C7 Theme Poster by: Christy S
Content submitted by: November, Greensea, Kelly Ashkettle, committee members, and pghgoth-l subscribers
Additional editing by: Kelly Ashkettle, Megan S, and November

Committee Bios
(or Goth Chick Avengers Unite! TM)

November November
Local pghgoth, has lurked and posted on a.g and a.g.f on occasion. Has been to 3 Convergences. She is working on the accommodations portion of the bid, as well as working as chairperson, doing all she can to make sure Pgh's bid is a good one, and a great representation of what our city has to offer.
Christy S, the woman, the myth, the urban legend. She's a regular on, and lurks mostly on alt.gothic. It's her duty to please your spo0kee spo0kee boo-tay by making Convergence in Pittsburgh the swankiest event ever. She intends on helping to organize the art show, along with helping out wherever she can. Christy
Megan Megan S was sent to this planet to destroy you. But first, she intends on helping to make the most bad-ass Convergence you've ever attended. A regular on, and semi-reg on alt.gothic, Megan is doing the graphic work on the webpage for now, and intends on organizing the art show, along with many other super fun Convergence activities.
Mari Storch was not born and raised in PGH, but is a former child star whose nightmare descent into booze and pills forced her to assume a new identity. She then found Jesus (behind the couch all along), and is pursuing her true calling as a networking geek. Mari
Kelly Kelly Ashkettle is a DJ at Ceremony and runs the g/i concert promotion company, Night Sky Productions. In between plotting to take over the world, she is advising the committee about booking bands and scheduling local clubs.
Shannon Patch
Somewhat quiet, but helping where it is needed to make Convergence in Pittsburgh a kick ass event for all.
Picture Unavailable
Greensea greensea (aka ninjabef on irc) first came to Pittsburgh last year for a random weekend visit. Seduced by the Victorian/industrial architecture, the friendly scene, the cute boys, and the moussaka at Kassab's, she never left. greensea has been an avid reader of a.g and a.g.f since 1995; she attended C5 and smacks herself daily for having missed C6. She would like for you to know that Pittsburgh is not actually the Pitts.

Special Advisor to the Committee

Boo "While not an official committee member, alt.gothic.legend The Raphrat (one of the original CMU.EDUs) is acting as the committee's spiritual advisor, kind of like Spock, if Spock looked suspiciously like a cast member of a bad WB teen drama."

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