The Buffalo Zoo
The Buffalo Zoo is a great option for those with baby bats! With over 50 types of mamals(Including a siberian tiger and our favorite, the vampire bat!), 30 reptiles(including a gila monster!), and over 20 birds(I wanna see how princess-y the princess parrot really is...), train rides, carosel rides, and the occasional elephant and/or camel ride, kids are sure to have a blast. Adults too. Rides are subject to weather and animal availibility. The group discount is a 25% discount off the regular prices that must be paid in full 3 weeks before the event. Prices as of september 2011 are: Seniors (63+): $8.00, Adults: $10.00, Full Time Students: $8.00 (up to age 22 with valid school id), Children (2-14): $7.00, Children 23 months and under: FREE.
Interested? Send an email to c18buffalo@gmail.com with the number of seniors, adults, students, and children over 23 months so we can figure out if we have enough people for a group rate(I'd like to get at least 15 people for the group rate). More info at http://www.buffalozoo.org/index.html"
The Darwin Martin House
Visit one of Buffalo's hidden treasures, Frank Lloyd Wright's Darwin Martin House. From the Darwin Martin House Website:
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) designed a unique residential complex for wealthy Buffalo businessman Darwin D. Martin and his family between 1903-1905. The most substantial and highly developed of Wright’s Prairie houses in the Eastern United States, The Darwin D. Martin House received National Historic Landmark status in 1986. The house is considered by leading Wright scholars as one of Wright’s finest achievements of the Prairie period and, indeed, of his entire career.
Currently waiting on info for group tour information.
The Albright Knox Art Gallery
From The Albrigt Knox Website:
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery is dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of contemporary and modern art. As a hub of artistic and cultural energies, it strives to be an inspiring educational resource for all audiences.
The gallery has two options for group admition, self guided tours or tours with a trained guide. Self guided tours require at least 15 people and no more than 60 people with the following admittion rates: Adults: $12, Senior: $8, Students(13 and up) $8, Children 6-12 $8. If you are an active US or Canadian serviceperson, you and you family get in for free with your military ID. Send an email to c18buffalo@gmail.com to express interest in either a self guided or pro guided tour. Pro tours have options for viits to the AK Cafe for lunch or afternoon tea after, but tea or lunch are not included in the group price. Whichever gets the most interest will win.
Buffalo On Foot
Want to explore the city on your own time under your own foot power? We'll hand you a pamphlet called Buffalo On Foot and tell you to go, be free!
Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens
Working on getting a high tea like event going at the Botanical Gardens. So far looking at $30 a head for a 2 hour luncheon/tea, max 85 people. Email c18buffalo@gmail.com if interested.
Buffalo Naval Park
The USS Little Rock, the USS Croaker, and the USS The Sullivans are anchored so close to downtown buffalo that the subway drops off a short hop from the park. Also on display are a small collection of tanks and airplanes. Admition rates for groups of 15+ are: Adult (17+) $5.00, Child (6-16) $3.00, Senior (60+) $5.00. Email c18buffalo@gmail.com if you're interested so we can see if there is enough for the group rate. More info at http://www.buffalonavalpark.org/
Maid of the Mist
Take a boat ride that gets up close and personal to Niagara Falls. You will get soaked. Wear clothing that can get wet. They have ponchos but still, you'll get soaked. Groups of 15+ can get the following rates: Adults: $12.20, Children(6-12): 7.85, Children 5 and under: Free. Emailm c18buffalo@gmail.com if interested to see if we get the numbers for the group rate. More info at http://www.maidofthemist.com/en/