About NYC


Meet & Greet

L'Heure Verte

Darkside Panels


Midnight Movies

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C7 Meet & Greet

The Meet & Greet will provide an opportunity for Convergence attendees to meet up, ask pressing questions of Convergence 7 organizers, and pick up packages and laminates. We've noticed in previous years that this is a great time for everyone to get to know others before the louder events. The laid-back atmosphere of the Meet & Greet combined with the high energy of NYC will give even shy goths the little push they need to meet someone new. Convergence 7 organizers will be easy to spot and full of information about everything from the closest bar to details about events planned for the next day.

L'Heure Verte

Relive the romance and fashion of the Belle Epoque with the magic of the Green Fairy at this Absinthe and Tea Social. Absente and Pernod will be served for those who want a taste of the mystique of La Fee Verte. Tea and coffee will also be available for those who wish it. This event will trace the history of Absinthe through fashion, music, art and literature. Fashions with a Gothic twist from the Regency, Victorian, and Fin de Siecle eras will be shown in the manner of the high society salon shows of the late 19th Century, including music and poetry. This event will be coordinated by Dragon AKA Martin Fredrickson, a respected Net.Goth expert on Absinthe, and Trystan L. Bass, the mistress of the alt.gothic.fashion.faq.

Darkside Panels

This event was inspired by the popularity of the panels at Convergence 5. Carrie Carolin, webmistress of the Dark Side of the Net, will be hosting expert panels on a variety of topics, including gothic music promotion, gothic website promotion, and marketing your online gothic business.

Performances at Irving Plaza

Irving Plaza is an ideal performance space, with stellar sound and lighting, a capacity of one thousand plus, and such physical beauty that it may be a sin just to look at it. It is also the most well-established venue in Manhattan for medium-to-large gothic and industrial performances, including Projektfest, Peter Murphy, Frontline Assembly, Love & Rockets, and the Cure. Irving Plaza is an all-ages venue.

One of the highlights of the evening will be a fashion show featuring the work of Net.Goths and local goth and fetishwear designers. This event will be orchestrated by Lisa Feuer of Black Tape For A Blue Girl, who also organized the fashion show at the first Convergence.

There will be over two hours of dance time at this event, in addition to DJ'ed music before and between bands. People who love live music can enjoy the shows early in the evening, while people who prefer to dance to DJ tunes can swirl like mad banshees into the wee hours.

Taking into account the experiences of past Convergence organizers and the recommendations of the proposal rules for this year, we will not list any of the prospective or tentatively confirmed performers within this proposal. We agree that this is the best course of action and that listing performers tends to eclipse the social and creative aspects of the proposals. We can reassure all readers that, should New York City be elected for Convergence 7, the performances will measure up to the highest standards of Convergences past.

Midnight Movies

After the performances at Irving Plaza, there will be a showing of a pair of classic cult movies back at the hotel. This event will be emceed by Tyg3r, the only person to have attended every Convergence to date.