- - - - - - - - - -[ committee ]- - - - - - - - - - Below are brief profiles of the people who contributed the most to this proposal. While there are titles affixed to many of their names, it has been a truly group effort to bring this proposal together. Each of us has worn many hats over the last months and this simple page cannot capture the diversity and quantity of tasks that have been accomplished to bring this proposal to you.
 | Carrin Welch: Chief Spokesperson Carrin is a Professional Multi-Tasker and is contributing as an online representative to New York's C7 bid. She's been an Internet junkie since '94, most recently main-lining email on a daily basis. As a principal DJ of Byzantium, a weekly event in Manhattan, Carrin aka: DJ Sacred spun a worldly sound with her truly eclectic taste in music. An artist by nature, and Libra by definition, she brings myriad talents to the table. Fond of lollipops and riding crops, she has attended both C5 and C6. Homepage. Email. |  | Clifford Low: Chairman Clifford Low is the creator of Necronomi.com, NYCgoth.com, and the NYC clubnites Byzantium and Travesty. Well regarded for throwing elaborate and extremely decadent parties and being a good
organizer, he will be putting some of these talents at the disposal of this Committee. In his free time, he writes, sculpts, studies astrology, debates scifi trivia and theology endlessly, and makes sarcastic jokes. His favorite bands include QNTAL, SWANS, Claire Voyant, Trance To The Sun, Fini Tribe, Coil, Shriekback, Lycia, and SNOG. He has attended C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6. Homepage. Email. |  | Megan Friddle: Pridegoth & Babygoth Liaison Megan Friddle has been spreading general gothiness on the internet since the days of lynx and telnet-only access. Recently, her forays have led her to New York City and Sarah Lawrence College, alternating between web design jobs and getting a degree in medieval studies. She has worked as a subpromoter for NYC clubnites. Her inclusion in the C7 committee brings an aesthete with an uncanny sense of direction. Homepage. Email. |  | Ian Dutton: Transportation Officer Ian Dutton's wing'ed career mirrors his drifting ways. Over the past 12 years, he has contributed to the Boston, Atlanta, and now New York scenes, and has carried an online personality since the days of Bitnet. These days he ventures out of his Manhattan cave to old homes and new haunts from the West Coast to Europe in search of the ultimate club. This year's Leipzig festival was a turning point, and an opportunity to see favorites from VNV Nation and Apop to Death In June. Look for the Darkpilot to make sure you get to, and around, New York with unprecedented ease. Homepage. Email. |  | Lisa Feuer: Band Liaison Lisa is the promotions director at Projekt Records, and currently the flautist for Black Tape For A Blue Girl and Human Drama. She has toured extensively and works with over a dozen bands on the label. She especially looks forward to serving as band liaison, so that she can make the Convergence bands feel welcome and cared for. She is also a performance artist, dancer / choreographer and videographer. Lisa has organized several fashion shows in Chicago, including Convergence I. She happily resides in New York, and enjoys working within and for the gothic community. Email. |  | Corey Gorey: Band Liaison Corey Gorey, frontman of The Brickbats, has been stuck drunk in and around the outskirts of New York City for the last 10 years. The first five were with the better forgotten group Floorshow, and the last five have had the chocolate pumpkin candy smear of the Brickbats all over them. More recently he's recorded his first solo disc "Hopelessly Bloodless" and has a new project with fellow Brickbat drummer D.W. Friend coming in the immediate future. Corey is a participant on NYCgoth-L. Homepage. Email. |  | Carrie Laben: Editor Carrie Laben, more commonly known
under her nom de plume of Cassandra Ingram, is a NYCgoth-L co-moderator, a horror author, and a Net.Goth since 1996. She has attended two past Convergences, 4 and 5, and it is now her pleasure to donate her talents to the attempt to bring C7 to New York City. She likes bats and cats and rats and such bands as Rasputina, Magnetic Fields, Laibach, Nine Inch Nails, and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Homepage. Email. |  | Claire Acher: Editor One crisp October night, Claire Acher wandered through a cavernous underground passageway leading her to Byzantium's debut and to many of the NYC Goth scene's most compelling characters. Enamored with the event, she soon joined the Byzantium staff in an editorial capacity, contributing to the creation of publicity material. She also helped organize charity raffles in conjunction with WBAI Public Radio and Projekt Records. Claire's professional experience includes book publishing editorial, Web site design, and extensive involvement in the nonprofit field. Homepage. Email. |  | Miguel Fernandez: Editor If you saw a Skinny Puppy or Dead Can Dance shirt in the mid 80's in Harlem, Miguel Fernandez was probably wearing it. After a tour of 3 years as academic advisor to the Engineering Program at NYU and completing his Masters in Comparative Literature, Miguel became penitenziagite, atheist, and web developer. "Inter spem et metum." To this day, Umberto Eco, Shinya Tsukamoto, James Ellroy, Dead Can Dance, Nocturnal Emissions, Killing
Joke and the Bureau of Sabotage mix loudly in his skull. Email. |  | Bob Westphal: Audiocaster Bob Westphal is the DJ and host of "The Shape of Things to Come," a noncommercial radio show which has filled the airwaves with all forms of dark music for almost fifteen years. During his tenure, he has been a staunch supporter of the local scene and, in fact, has often been found under the bar at many area genre clubs. In his spare time, Bob is a systems analyst, club DJ (also available for weddings, handfastings and seances), migrant Trekker, anime fan, Dune freak, Dread Pirate Roberts impersonator, admirer of the art of Alex Ross, and believes he is Superman. Homepage. Email. |  | Rob Divine: Videographer Rob Divine is a fifteen-year veteran of the scene, dedicated dance artist and choreographer, and a habitue of New York City since college. His current project (when he is not donating his time and energy to New York City's Convergence bid) is the Shadows of Angels dance company, which may be the only goth-inspired dance company currently in existence. Rob also raises the bar in club dancing wherever he goes, and he especially favors Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, Nick Cave, and the Virgin Prunes. He has been a regular participant on NYCgoth-L since its beginning. Homepage. Email. |  | Jen Ellerson: Venue Liaison Someday, somewhere, someone in New York has seen a flyer, ad, or godforsaken poster for Irving Plaza, and you can bet Jen spat it out. As Art Director for four years of NYC's premier concert venue, she's had the lovely opportunity to design for some of her faves: Peter Murphy, Nick Cave, The Cure, Front 242, Love & Rockets, Black Tape, and many others. This strong relationship with the venue and experience with promotional design will allow her to finally pay homage to the inspiring NYC goth scene at Convergence 7.
Email. |  | Spinmistress Batty: Webmistress Batty, the cheese- and glitter-loving diva, is contributing her artistic talents to the Committee, as well as her overwhelming charm and outstanding groovishness. She is also moderator of DarkDJ-L, Blackplanet (one of Chicago's gothic elists), the official Attrition elist, and Rubilyth, spreading the love online since 1992. Batty has been a DJ since 1994, and in addition to her regular night NYX in Chicago, has made appearances at Gothcon, C6, and other locations. Favorite bands include Skinny Puppy, Seraphim Shock, Thou Shalt Not, and Attrition. Batty has attended C5 and C6.
Homepage. Email. |  | Heather B: Event Coordinator Heather B. has been a part of various goth scenes for over 14 years, both in New York City and in her home state of Oregon. With her extensive museum background, she will be one of the organizers for the visit to The Cloisters as well as the picnic in Fort Tryon Park. Heather will also be donating her trusty Singer to the Sewing Room at the hotel and would be more than happy to answer any "where to find it" in New York City questions. |  | Dragon: Event Coordinator Dragon is a prominent member of Absinthe-L and a frequent participant on the CorpGoth, San Diego, and New Orleans Goth lists. He brings a wealth of knowledge about Absinthe and its history as well as general creativity and editorial skills to the C7NYC bid. Formerly a DJ at The Underworld in San Diego (1992-95), Dragon has a deep love for the Gothic and Industrial music scenes. Favorite bands include Assemblage 23, VNV Nation, Frieburger Spielleyt, Peter Murphy, and nearly everything from Bill Leeb et al. Dragon is an Ordained Minister and has attended both C5 and C6. Homepage. Email. |  | Trystan L. Bass: Event Coordinator Trystan L. Bass is mistress of the alt.gothic.fashion.faq and creator of the Gothic Martha Stewart website. She's inordinately fond of glitter, historical
costume, hockey, '80s synthpop, caffeine, and Victorian literature, and she hopes to combine at least two of those into C7NYC. Her dayjob is Web Production Manager for indie music site Riffage.com where she has had the good fortune to listen to new gothic-industrial bands such as Gossamer, Hungry Lucy, Collusion Inc, Abney Park, and The Last Dance. Homepage. Email. |  | Carrie Carolin: Panel Coordinator Carrie Carolin is best known as the mildly manic Net.Goth responsible for the Dark Side of the Net website. Once upon a time, she also managed a regional ISP and served as a social worker, a nanny, and a clubnite promoter. She loves cats, dolls, iced tea, gardening, Tim Burton movies, and dusty old books. Her favorite bands include Miranda Sex Garden, Throwing Muses, The Human League, Diamanda Galas, M-1 Alternative, The Urchins, Kristina Serra, Blackgirls, The Doors, old Cure, Shiva Burlesque, Weather Theatre, Current 93, Howard Jones, Crash Worship, and Ministry. Homepage. |  | Daednu: Swap Coordinator Daednu is a perky Victorian goth with an extreme love of milk and chocolate. She has been involved with organizing many musical endeavours and loves her job apprenticing with an antique clothing and textiles expert. She's been caught listening to Johnny Cash in the bathtub, El Vez in the kitchen, Ariel in the bedroom, and Depeche Mode everywhere she can play them. A lover of great shopping and phenomenal big cities, she's looking forward to NYC debauchery. Homepage. Email. |  | Tyg3r: Midnight Movie Coordinator Tyg3r is a student at UMass Lowell, where she is a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Studio Art. She is also an officer of the Anime and Manga club there. In her free time she reads, writes, exercises, views and creates art, and spends time with friends. She has attended every Convergence to date. Homepage. Email. |  | Winter: Information & Guide Officer Winter has served superbly as security at NYC Gothic clubnites, and as a ranger at Burning Man. He is a frequent participant on NYCgoth-L and CorpGoth forums. Known for regularly attending Click + Drag (a NYC clubnite) in a full suit of medieval armor and dispensing candies to mopey club denizens, he is a person one can depend upon most in a pinch. Winter actually looks very little like a white rabbit.
Email. |
Endless gratitude to Hal Gould, Neville Wells, Natasha, Ian Fford, Patrick Cusack, Trash & Vaudeville, Irving Plaza, Religious Sex, Virginia Armstrong, Father Sebastian, Paul Ash, Neel Murgai, everybody at Tribal Soundz, Colin Gibbens, Ashkelon Sain, Sue Hutton, Matthew and Gwenneth Sheahan, Erika, Jen and Ryan, Ron and Nancy, Berfu, Laura Shrewsbury, Shea, Jett Black, Bill Brusca, Joseph Maxx, Melody Henry, Sam Rosenthal, Damon Young, Gjylser Biba, Cossack and Tatyana, Charles Cosimano, Todd Zino, Angel Butts, Kyle, Kevin Filan and Harvey, Nicky, Laura MacCutchan, David Hogan, Aaron Savage, Elissa Teeple, Baron Samedi, Erzuli Freda, Robin Goodfellow, all past Convergence organizers, and all Net.Goths everywhere.  |