Alt.Gothic Presents
Convergence XXI
Dead Stars

Produced by
Stasha Powell

Directed By


Sets and Lighting
Bill Vogel

Art Department
Marissa Dreaded Dragon

Location Scout
Mystress Prynne

Production Acountant

Second Unit
Necromos Spiritus
Giles Smith

Miss Stasha aka Miss Morté.

First got involved in Convergence as an unofficial helper at C1 because her then boyfriend was working it. She has been an unofficial helper at several others usually showing up as a patron only to jump in when asked. She hails from Illinois originally which is where she started djing, promoting, and working on IndustrialNation magazine. She became an active member of alt.gothic and agf not long after that. She was also part of the goth model wave and a card carrying member of Corpgoth. She lived in downtown LA for years where she was a photographer for both Das Bunker and Fang Club. She also co-hosted the goth radio show Closed Caskets with Archpope Dach. Her day job involves being a paperwork ninja, wearing many hats, handling legal documents, and even more tricky handling bosses whom most of the country thinks should be in prison. She will use these skills and her powerful networking abilities on both the bid and the event. And if anyone misbehaves she'll sick the Carrie Monster on them because fuck a bunch of that.


voodoo has been an active participant and sometimes gadfly in alt.gothic and Convergence since Convergence V, including chairing the ill-fated C8/SF bid and DJing at Convergence X XII XIV XV XVI XIX & XX. voodoo has also spun at WGW, WGT and clubs in the US UK and Australia. voodoo’s years of experience producing clubs and events, as well as managing the creation of technology products you’ve most likely used, give him the skills to bring you a first class Convergence. voodoo lived and loved in Hollywood until the start of 2014, and hopes that you will remember Convergence XXI fondly. Or not at all.


I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.


Tracy Robertson aka "Batty" has been attending and doing fashion events at convergences since convergence 5 with 9 convergences under her belt.

She has worked in the clothing industry as the owner of Gothic clothing line Azrael's Accomplice Designs since 1998.

She has done countless fashion shows and events in her long career. She vends and does fashion related events at conventions around the country full time. She also works in her spare time in her hometown of Dallas/Fort worth with her production company and club night: The Shadow Society, organizing special gothic/alt/burlesque events for the last three years.

Jola Rocknrolla.

Jola Rocknrolla has been a glorious fashion disaster/icon since the days of fake hair and daily AGF posts (though this may be her megalomania talking).  Jola has taken part in Fashion shows for Convergence X, XIII and XIV as well as the occasional hair and fashion shows around Chicago.   She may have learned a few things, including how to show up on time, dress herself and not fall off stage regardless of sobriety.  Her day-job as a Corporate Lease Administrator has given her a gimlet eye for detail and surprisingly professional attitude when it’s go-time.  With a blend of trashy rock n roll style and a suspiciously sticky sort of glamour she should feel right at home in Hollywood.

Bill Vogel.

I'm Bill Vogel. I cut my teeth in the goth/industrial scene in the 80's in Chicago, at clubs like the Exit and Neo. Upon moving to San Francisco I found myself living in a "venue", and hosted many clubs over the years including House of Voodoo, Shrine of Lilith, Carnival, the Black Widows, Insomnia and others including many live bands. I also hosted the "goth dinners" - an open invitation informal pre-club get-together held weekly at a restaurant chosen for it's proximity to whatever club was happening on that particular night. I have also been involved with lighting and sound, both theatrical and nightclub since junior high school. I play the pipe organ professionally and as a hobby, and during the day I work for an entertainment media company as a database programmer/administrator. I currently live in Hollywood


Marrissa has been a fixture in the Los Angeles scene since the late 90s, and has attended and vended at C*s 9-15, only missing the last few for financial reasons. She was a committee chair of the ill fated C14 Haunted Hollywood bid, and bartended at the now defunct after-hours club "The Basement", as well as several other events including all of the Grilled Cheese Invitationals save one (she was bartending for Titmouse's Smashing Party that year). Vending at 7 different C*s gives her more vending experience than most (but not all) of the vendors who attend, and aside from knowing how to throw an awesome party, she knows what does and does not work for people who use this as a working vacation. Colorful hair (currently teal), being loud and very opinionated, and making fun of herself on a regular basis means if you don't know her personally, you probably know of her. She's still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Mystress Prynne.

Mystress Prynne has been lurking in the shadows of Convergence since C4. She participated in the Fashion Show at C7 in New York, as well as at GothCon in New Orleans. Mystress Prynne lived in Los Angeles 13 years and was a regular at Fang Club, Coven 13 and Bar Sinister. She also ran a website listing the club happenings in Hollywood. 

Duane Brinson.

Duane has been into goth since it was called punk. He worked C9. He is a master of numbers and will use that along with several top secret skills to keep everything right.

Necromos Spiritus.

Clubs: Batcave SF, Apparition SJ, and several others. I’ve booked several bands and still booking including well known, to unknown bands Skeletal Family, Mephisto Waltz etc.Promoting booking , DJing for 6 years nationally and still going. One of the lesser known groups I am an activist for is the Gothic Preservationist Society. I’m hoping to do my best and help make convergence the bats wing.


Däch is a SoCal based DJ who has done guest spots at several events all over California as well as the host of the longest-running goth radio show of all time, "Closed Caskets for the Living Impaired," which ran for over 14 years. Däch tends to spin an eclectic mix of music from all over the world, and specializes in goth/industrial music from Japan. Clubs and events he has spun at include: Therapy (San Diego) Tokyo Dark Castle (San Francisco) Ghoul school (Los Angeles) Eternal (Long Beach) Xile (Orange County)

Giles Smith.

A Brit who isn’t goth but sleeps with goth girls. He has been great behind the scenes which is where he will continue to lurk. Having never been near more than a couple of goth girls at once we imagine his first foray into Convergence will result in sensory overload leaving him dumbfounded for a bit. After which he’ll probably realize that he has finally found his tribe and revel in the darkness he tries so hard to hide. Unfortunately for his new endeavor he is the better half of Miss Stasha. But do make him come out and say hi.