- - - - - - - - - - -[ theme ]- - - - - - - - - - - According to ancient lore, the race of Faeries were immortal beings who haunted the unexplored wilderness and burial mounds of Europe. They spent their time feasting, gambling, love-making and partaking of beautiful music. Inexplicable and magical, their beauty and generosity were the subject of countless legends. But then, there were the other Faeries. By night, the goblins would waylay mortal travelers and leave them ragged and broken by dawn. Pookas in the form of horses would lure children to drown in stagnant lakes. Shucks would hunt wanderers along dimly lit roads and devour body and soul alike if the mortal were caught. Redcaps would haunt ruins on the borders of Scotland, where they would strangle those who slept in the shadows of the walls and paint their hats in human blood. Banshees, neither wholly ghost nor fae, would plague families with dire keening and haunt basements to strangle children. Trolls would toy with
mortals who had wandered into blood-soaked land, devouring or molesting them if they could not answer their riddles. Spriggans would kidnap children, whom they would mutilate to look like themselves. There was Black Annis with iron talons, the flayed and decapitated Nuckelavee, the "White Lady" Beann Fhionn who drowned young men at her lake every seven years, Amadan Dubh the piper who brought madness and death, and many other terrible creatures who were enemies of humanity and God alike. And once a year, on a night when the wind blew with the scent of dead flowers, when the moon rose wide and green like the eye of a cat shining in the dark, when all the doors were locked and windows were shuttered, and the streets were as silent and black as an opened grave... hidden passages to the underworld opened wide, and the Evil Faeries would meet and revel at the Unseelie Court.

Our Unseelie Court theme came together seemingly by fate. We had been thinking of Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market with regards to our banquet, but the trend became more cohesive with the inclusion of an event related to "La Fee Verte" and the concept of the Cyber-Faerie Ball. Faerieland was an enchanting concept, but we wanted to include a little more shadow within the colorful palette. The Unseelie Court just felt right. In addition to the titling of the events themselves, you can expect the theme to be reflected in the design work for the T-shirts, laminates, the website of the event itself, some of the fashion elements, and in the decor whenever possible.  |