- - - - - - - - - - -[ sunday ]- - - - - - - - - - - Merchant Bazaar II Beginning around noon, Convergence attendees will be treated to a marvellous selection of gothic merchants from around the world. New York City is renowned for its diversity of gothic merchants, ranging from fashion to music to objets d'art of every kind imaginable, and rest assured many of these will be present as well as wares from fellow Net.Goths from virtually everywhere. Gothic-Industrial Family Feud Inspired by Gothic vs. Industrial Bowling tournaments of LAgoth-L and the Gothic Jeopardy of last year, we plan to give you the premiere episode of Gothic-Industrial Family Feud. Two teams of five players each (representing the RivetGoths and the RomantiGoths) try to match answers against questions surveyed to one hundred Net.Goths. The first team to score three hundred goth points wins the game. Goblin Feast and Ceremony This limited-seating event will be open only to attendees with the Deluxe package and promises to be a magnificent affair. Attendees will be treated to a sumptuous multi-course banquet in a gorgeous environment, following dark faerie themes (think The Goblin Market). There will be at least three entree options, including one for vegans. The Ceremony might sound mysterious, but that's precisely our intention. Convergence attendees are fond of big surprises, and this is certainly going to be ours. Some hints: it isn't a band, nobody gets naked (for the most part),
wearing a fez is strictly optional, it's bigger than a breadbox, and Bruce Willis doesn't die ten minutes into it. Beyond that, you're going to have to find out next year. We tease you. But only because we think you're cute. *SMOOCH* Cyber-Faerie Ball The final official event at Convergence 7 will be the concluding costume ball with a futuristic faerie theme. Get out your glitter-latex antennae, gold contacts, and PVC wings. Dance under a maypole of coaxial cables and tattered lace, recline in a bower decked with motherboards and shattered velvet. Drink in the evening's magical sights, whilst CyberFairies bestow pixie dust and prizes on those with over-the-top outfits combining elements of cyberpunk, romantigoth, and fabulous fetish fashions. DJs will include Ian Fford and Patrick of Albion (the most popular Gothic-Industrial event in New York City), and DJs Batty (of Chicago's Nyx) and Sacred (of New York's Byzantium). More DJs TBA. This event will run into the wee hours of the night.  |