About NYC


Unique Vision?





Pricey Proposal?


Alternate Pay?

Friendly Hotel?

Cheap Hotels?





Transit Costs?








Band Emphasis?


Midnite Movies?

Time 4 Friends?

NYC Committee?



(Oh My!)

- - - - - - - - - - -[ f.a.q. ]- - - - - - - - - - -

Q. What unique vision does the NYC Committee wish to bring to Convergence?

A. We're trying to bring back intimacy to Convergence. Manhattan is a big place, and the Net.Goth community is much bigger than it was at Convergence I. So we've worked extra hard to create events that let people really talk to each other, visit with old friends, and to make new ones. The Absinthe Tea, the Cloisters Picnic, the Darkside Panels, and the spacious and comfortable lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel are all ideal settings for intimate chat. We've carefully constructed these events to be warm, inviting, and social. Even our large nitetime events— particularly the two nights at the Irving Plaza with it's stylish and cozy spaces— will provide chances for people to gather in smaller groups.

We also hope to further the style and panache of Convergence. Each Convergence has gotten a little bit more grand, a little bit more exciting. C6 had Peter F**king Murphy— you can't go back to two hundred people in a cramped motel after that! Convergence attendees deserve the best. This is many people's big annual vacation, the party they look forward to all year. We want to make it special, a real occasion worth dressing up for (and being that we've got two a.g.f old-timers on the committee, dressing up is important ;-). Convergence should be something fabulous and fun. An event that is every bit as stylish and unique, decadent and wild as we Net.Goths are.

Q. Should Convergence come to New York City, when will it be held?

A. The New York City C7 planners have based their schedule around a date near the end of Summer, in August. This has three advantages: pleasant and mild weather, lower non-holiday airfares, and maximum accessibility for Convergence-goers who work or study in Academia.

Q. How babygoth-friendly is the New York City proposal?

A. The New York City Convergence planners are committed to making Convergence immensely babygoth-friendly. All of the confirmed locations and official events are (literally) all-ages, with only one potential exception. We are trying to ensure 16+ access Cyber-Faerie Ball as well. (If it is only 18+, we will consider planning an alternate babygoth event for those seventeen and under.) No official event will be considered which does not include people eighteen and older. Ours is certain to be the most babygoth-friendly Convergence in years. We want everyone, regardless of age, to enjoy the Convergence experience.

Q. What is the weather like in New York City?

A. New York City's weather is temperate, with sharp peaks and dips during the middle of the Summer and Winter. The dates we have set for C7 are at the end of the Summer, when it is warm but not uncomfortably so. NYC's average temperatures in August range from a cool low of 66 degrees to a modest high of 84 degrees (info from weather.com). These are comfortable daytime temperatures, quite similar to those of past Convergences and about the same as the other C7 bid cities on their announced dates. Virtually all daytime events will be indoors within air conditioned spaces, and nighttime temperatures are generally between ten and fifteen degrees lower. NYC net.goths hold picnic gatherings throughout the summer, and have been doing so for five years. No picnic has ever needed to be shortened or called off because of uncomfortably high temperatures. For images of recent net.goth picnics, check out the following links: Cloisters Picnic, and Previous Years. For images of our Spokesperson at The Cloisters, view Carrin's Cloisters Photos.

Q. Which airport should I fly into?

Whichever offers you the best deal. Each of the city's three airports (JFK, Newark, and LaGuardia) are equidistant from the official hotel. JFK offers six bus lines to Manhattan and a free bus which connects to the subway system (which will then take you anywhere in the city for $1.50). Newark has five bus lines to Manhattan and a $4 shuttle which will connect you with the trains. LaGuardia has five bus lines to Manhattan and will shuttle you to the subway for $1.00-$1.50. These bus and train trips all take about a half hour from the airport to the official hotel. A taxi ride from any of the airports to Manhattan will be about $30. For more information on the airports, see http://www.panynj.gov/aviation/aviframe.HTM

Q. Isn't this proposal highly expensive overall?

A. Though lodging might be more expensive in New York City, it is definitely compensated for by significantly cheaper travel and amazingly inexpensive food. You may find it useful to read this testimonial about NYC's cost of living at http://absinthe.nu/ian/ . When everything is factored together, the differences between the expenses of the bids are generally negligible. The fact that NYC's Convergence bid is for a non-holiday weekend means significant airfare savings for many people, including international travelers. We tried to include all possible event costs within our proposed ticket prices, so you won't be surprised by extras. For one ticket price, you get 13 different events to enjoy, with only one additional event (the Goblin Feast) needing a separate ticket.

Q. How will you be able to keep the locals from purchasing tickets?

A. Ticket sales will be online only. No tickets will be sold at the door, through TicketMaster, or any other vehicle other than the official C7 website. We want to create a setting for Net.Goths to socialize and enjoy other Net.Goths, without feeling overwhelmed by a swarm of local non-Net.Goths. That's the whole point of Convergence, right? In the past, it has been a little too easy for random locals to buy up many tickets and leave some Net.Goths without recourse. We will be renting Irving Plaza and the Cyber Faerie Ball venue as a  private party,  which will insure that our events will be for Convergence attendees only. None of our official events are scheduled in conjunction with, or are related to, a regular local nightclub event. Sure, NYC net.goths are most welcome, but that's because they're Net.Goths and ultimately that's who Convergence is for.

Q. Will there be alternate methods of payment for tickets?

A. Of course, not everybody has a credit card these days; for people who don't, we will definitely include an additional option. This might be check, money order, paypal— or all of the above. It is something that will require serious investigation following the election, because the process is quite involved— as many past Convergence organizers will grimly attest to. Nevertheless, there will have to be an option for people without credit cards.

Q. How goth-friendly is this hotel?

A. Amazingly friendly. The hotel has held conventions both for the gay community and the scifi fandom community for several years. The hotel has no problem with people who appear strange, nor will they be fazed by any activities which have been common at previous Convergences.

Q. If you say there are cheaper hotels in the city, why don't you get a room block at one of them?

A. We are really trying to encourage people to to stay at the main hotel, in the interests of convenience more than anything else. It is far easier to descend an elevator than walk a few blocks, or even take a train to events. Furthermore, highly inexpensive hotels in NYC tend to be on the small side; we would have to reserve more than one in order to secure more than a handful of rooms. Part of what makes Convergence fun is bringing people together. Nevertheless, we will do our utmost to make things convenient for people whom expense determines whether they can attend or not.

Q. Will I get mugged as soon as I leave my hotel room?

A. The crime rate in New York City has been improving for years and the city is now one of the safest large cities in North America. In addition, the hotel is in a very safe neighborhood.

Q. Are the police in New York City dangerous, bigoted, or likely to harass me?

A. The police force of New York City is admittedly one with its share of flaws, but small-town uptightness is not one of them. It is relatively rare for a police officer to hassle a freak— they see too many freaks in the course of a day to be bothered.

Q. Will I see rats the size of cocker spaniels roaming the streets?

A. All rats in New York City are in compliance with federal rodent-size standards, and they do not roam at will. Even in the subway, actual sightings are not that common.

Q. Speaking of the subway, isn't riding one a terribly grungy and dangerous experience?

A. No. Mayor Giuliani's city clean-up campaign has extended to subway stations, which are now clean, well-lit places. New Yorkers in the subway, by and large, merely want to get where they are going, so if you leave them alone they will do the same for you. The New York City subway system is by far the most extensive and convenient in the USA.

Q. How much does public transit cost?

A. A subway token costs $1.50 and allows for unlimited transfers so long as you stay underground. Multi-ride passes can be purchased in several varieties, including an all-day unlimited ride pass for $4 and a pay-per-ride card that gives you eleven rides for the price of ten ($15.00) More information can be found here: http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us/

Q. Hasn't Giuliani's clean-up campaign made the city horribly yuppified?

A. In certain residential areas, yes, but in the shopping and recreational areas where Convergence activities will take place, the population is still very diverse. Besides, in New York City even the yuppies wear black.

Q. So what is this I hear about New York City bagels?

A. New York City bagels are unquestionably the finest in the world. They are fresh, soft, succulent delights which forever banish the problem of what to have for the late breakfast / early lunch on-the-move that so many Convergence-goers seem fond of. If you're addicted to sushi, consider trying the innovative hybrid known as "bagel and lox". The wonders of the Bagel Genome Project never cease.

Q. I have a restricted diet. What will I be able to eat in new york city?

A. No matter what your dietary restrictions or preferences, New York City can provide you a wide array of options. We have a fairly large number of vegetarian Committee members, it may be worthy to note. Carrie Carolin, Claire Acher, Lisa Feuer and Megan Friddle are just a few. It was mucho important to all of us that we provide plenty of options for our potential vegetarian and vegan guests. We have a really excellent listing of vegetarian and vegan restaurants that you may enjoy.

Q. Will I be able to get my nicotine fix in New York City?

A. According to city law, smoking is allowed in bars, designated areas of restaurants, clubs, and of course outdoors.

Q. Is the New York City Net.Goth contingent unified enough to host a Convergence successfully?

A. The New York City Net.Goth scene has certainly experienced some rifts in the past, but the scene is now, if anything, more unified than it has ever been. During the past year in particular there has been a trend of drawing together for the sake of the scene's health by many parties. This bid has brought together many talented, formerly factionalized Net.Goths who represent a broad range of interests and tastes, and it is generally agreed that bringing Convergence to New York City without incident is a common goal.

Q. Won't Convergence be lost in a city the size of New York?

A. If you mean, will the local mundanes fail to be shocked, taken aback, and horrified, then the answer is probably yes. But if you mean, will getting from event to event require a sherpa guide, then the answer is no. The entire island of Manhattan is only fourteen miles long and two miles wide, and most events will take place at the hotel or within a few blocks of public transportation. Neither is it entirely flooded with teeming waves of humanity. For a peek at one of NYC Bohemia's busiest streets at its most crowded time, view the Multimedia section.

Q. Why haven't you listed all of your DJs?

A. We feel that this allows us copious turntable access for additional DJs, who wish to become involved over the coming year. It also allows many surprises. Some Net.Goth DJs simply cannot commit to formal involvement during the election itself. We want the very best. In any case, commitments from DJs are even less dependable than bands and venues, so we have done our best to minimize the emphasis on such in our proposal. Nevertheless, there will be many excellent DJs during the Cyber-Faerie Ball and between band performances on Friday and Saturday nights.

Q. Is this proposal overly focused on bands?

A. We don't think it is band focused. We are listing no bands whatsoever. Only one official evening event is exclusively bands, and only one more has any bands at all. There are 2 band events in our proposal, and there are 11 events which have nothing at all to do with bands. Even the events that include bands will also provide opportunities for socializing in Irving Plaza's quiet, comfortable lounge area. Furthermore, two additional hours of time to dance have been added to the Irving Plaza events, on top of the time before and between the performances. Both evenings will have copious time for DJs and dancing. We are trying to provide a bit of everything, and that happens to include some bands— especially Net.Goth bands. People who do like bands will be satisfied, but Convergence is not about bands and our proposal reflects this.

Q. What options do you have for parentgoths?

A. When we say "all-ages," we mean ALL ages! We think the Cloisters Picnic would be great fun for parents and wee tykes alike, and NYC offers a host of kid-friendly museums, sites, and shopping (such as a massive FAO Schwartz). Then, whilst Mommy and Daddy Goth hit the clubs, a variety of baby-sitting services can stay with the little one at the hotel. The Baby Sitters' Guild and Best Domestic are just two such services, and the New York Urban Baby site has more assistance. In addition, committee member Daednu is the creator of the alt.gothic.parenting newsgroup and actively monitors this group for ParentGoth concerns.

Q. What films will be played at the Midnite Movie event?

A. There will be two films; one will be anime and the other will be of a more general type. We've considered films like Vampire Hunter D, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Nosferatu (either version), The Wicker Man, The Reflecting Skin, The Tingler, and quite a few others. We'll definitely be soliciting your input over the coming months as to which films you'd like to see.

Q. You have alot of stuff planned, when will I have time to visit with my friends?

A. All of the events were designed to create environments to share with your friends. They are catalysts for socialization. They are also completely optional; no one should feel under any obligation. We want to provide options for every taste imaginable, while at the same time keeping Convergence attendees cohesive as a group.

Q. Why are there so many non-locals in your Committee?

A. Firstly, there aren't that many. Secondly, all of these people are providing unique facets which have more to do with their Net.Goth status than their place of residence. All of those whose responsibilities require substantial on-site work are locals. Nevertheless, nonlocals who are organizing specific events will work with those within the city to make preparations. Said individuals are also very likely to arrive days early to make final preparations. Thirdly, we want to make C7 an emphatically Net.Goth event and be as geographically inclusive as practicality dictates. We feel that this helps to make a Committee which is more representative of Net.Goths as a whole, rather than a mere local subgroup. We have solicited input from Net.Goths of every shape, size, flavor, and range of experience— and done so geographically as well— and to an unprecedented degree. If our proposal were just for the Net.Goths in NYC we might have done things differently; but this is for all Net.Goths everywhere!

Q. What sort of identification do I need to get into venues?

A. College IDs are too easy to fake. Drivers licenses with photos and passports are accepted at all locations as valid identification.

Q. Where should I park if I am driving?

A. If your foremost concern is convenience and security, the hotel has its own valet parking. If your principal concern is expense, we have quite a few options in Downtown Manhattan and in nearby Hoboken. There is completely free weekend parking at some train stations in NY, CT, and NJ. There are also many additional options which are fairly close, inexpensive and secure. We will be detailing all of them on the Convergence website and Guidebook, if NYC is elected, and providing recommendations.

Q. Anything else I should know about New York City?

A. You can get fresh mangos, cut flowers, and access to an ATM on nearly every street corner.