Q. Will I be able to get my nicotine fix in New York City?A. According to city law, smoking is allowed in bars, designated areas of restaurants, clubs, and of course outdoors.
Q. Is the New York
City Net.Goth contingent unified enough to host a Convergence successfully?
A. The New York City Net.Goth scene has certainly experienced some rifts in the past, but the scene is now, if anything, more unified than it has ever been. During the past year in particular there has been a trend of drawing together for the sake of the scene's health by many parties. This bid has brought together many talented, formerly factionalized Net.Goths who represent a broad range of interests and tastes, and it is generally agreed that bringing Convergence to New York City without incident is a common goal.
Q. Won't Convergence be lost in a city the size of New York?
A. If you mean, will the local mundanes fail to be shocked, taken aback, and horrified, then the answer is probably yes. But if you mean, will getting from event to event require a sherpa guide, then the answer is no. The entire island of Manhattan is only fourteen miles long and two miles wide, and most events will take place at the hotel or within a few blocks of public transportation. Neither is it entirely flooded with teeming waves of humanity. For a peek at one of NYC Bohemia's busiest streets at its most crowded time, view the Multimedia section.
Q. Why haven't you listed all of your DJs?
A. We feel that this allows us copious turntable access for additional DJs, who wish to become involved over the coming year. It also allows many surprises. Some Net.Goth DJs simply cannot commit to formal involvement during the election itself. We want the very best. In any case, commitments from DJs are even less dependable than bands and venues, so we have done our best to minimize the emphasis on such in our proposal. Nevertheless, there will be many excellent DJs during the Cyber-Faerie Ball and between band performances on Friday and Saturday nights.
Q. Is this proposal overly focused on
A. We don't think it is band focused. We are listing no bands
whatsoever. Only one official evening event is exclusively bands, and only one more has any bands at all. There are 2 band events in our proposal, and there are 11 events which have nothing at all to do with bands. Even the events that include bands will also provide opportunities for socializing in Irving Plaza's quiet, comfortable lounge area. Furthermore, two additional hours of time to dance have been added to the Irving Plaza events, on top of the time before and between the performances. Both evenings will have copious time for DJs and dancing. We are trying to provide a bit of
everything, and that happens to include some bands especially Net.Goth bands. People who do like bands will be satisfied, but Convergence is not about bands and our proposal reflects this.
Q. What options do you have for parentgoths?
A. When we say "all-ages," we mean ALL ages! We think the Cloisters Picnic would be great fun for parents and wee tykes alike, and NYC offers a host of kid-friendly museums, sites, and shopping (such as a massive FAO Schwartz). Then, whilst Mommy and Daddy Goth hit the clubs, a variety of baby-sitting services can stay with the little one at the hotel. The Baby Sitters' Guild and Best Domestic are just two such services, and the New York Urban Baby site has more assistance. In addition, committee member Daednu is the creator of the alt.gothic.parenting newsgroup and actively monitors this group for ParentGoth concerns.
Q. What films will be played at the Midnite Movie event?
A. There will be two films; one will be anime and the other will be of a more general type. We've considered films like Vampire Hunter D, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Nosferatu (either version), The Wicker Man, The Reflecting Skin, The Tingler, and quite a few others. We'll definitely be soliciting your input over the coming months as to which films you'd like to see.
Q. You have alot of stuff planned, when will I have time to visit with my friends?
All of the events were designed to create environments to share with your friends. They are catalysts for socialization. They are also completely optional; no one should feel under any obligation. We want to provide options for every taste imaginable, while at the same time keeping Convergence attendees cohesive as a group.
Q. Why are there so many non-locals in your Committee?
A. Firstly, there aren't that many. Secondly, all of these people are providing unique facets which have more to do with their Net.Goth status than their place of residence. All of those whose responsibilities require substantial on-site work are locals. Nevertheless, nonlocals who are organizing specific events will work with those within the city to make preparations. Said individuals are also very likely to arrive days early to make final preparations. Thirdly, we want to make C7 an emphatically Net.Goth event and be as geographically inclusive as practicality dictates. We feel that this helps to make a Committee which is more representative of Net.Goths as a whole, rather than a mere local subgroup. We have solicited input from Net.Goths of every shape, size, flavor, and range of experience and done so geographically as well and to an unprecedented degree. If our proposal were just for the Net.Goths in NYC we might have done things differently; but this is for all Net.Goths everywhere!
Q. What sort of identification do I need to get into venues?
A. College IDs are too easy to fake. Drivers licenses with photos and passports are accepted at all locations as valid identification.
Q. Where should I park if I am driving?
A. If your foremost concern is convenience and security, the hotel has its own valet parking. If your principal concern is expense, we have quite a few options in Downtown Manhattan and in nearby Hoboken. There is completely free weekend
parking at some train stations in NY, CT, and NJ. There are also many additional options which are fairly close, inexpensive and secure. We will be detailing all of them on the Convergence website and Guidebook, if NYC is elected, and providing recommendations.
Q. Anything else I should know about New York City?
A. You can get fresh mangos, cut flowers, and access to an ATM on nearly every street corner.