SITE NAVIGATIONWelcome to the "Detroit for Convergence 13" website. We didn't spend a lot of time with it coz this isn't a web design contest and neither of us are web designers. Have at it.

UPDATE: This isn't an april fool's prank. Mac & Chris really are still as obnoxious and capable of super human feats as they were in years past.
Location: Detroit

Hotels & Transport

Committee & Contact

Bonus Photos


No pretense, no pomp and circumstance, no fancy expensive crap no one will be up early enough to attend. No bloated ticket packages designed to gouge your pocket book to pay for frills you don't care about and events you're gonna be too hung over to enjoy anyway.

Here's the core of our proposal, all snide jokes aside: We'll set up some space - either Mac's backyard or somewhere else nearby. We'll buy a ton of beer, liquor and chow. We'll hire some really good bartenders and BBQ Chefs. We'll set up a killer sound system and bring in some DJs and maybe a band or three. You pay us +/- 40 bucks per ticket for a weekend of open bar, music and a bunch of time to reunite with your old friends, drink, eat, dance, talk 'til you're blue in the face and laugh 'til your sides ache.

A right true no holds barred people-oriented Alt.Gothic.Convergence.


We'll hold this party over Labor Day weekend, Friday September 1 thru Sunday September 3, 2007. We would have picked Memorial Day, but that conflicts with the Detroit Electronic Music Festival. So Labor Day weekend it is. The weather is nicer later in the year anyway.

Unlike other proposals over the years, the "Eldergoth Reunion" isn't just a footnote in the friday warm-up cards. It's the whole damn weekend. Getting old friends from around the world together in one spot at one time is the whole reason we started Convergence in the first place! We're sick to death of folks regurgitating the definition of Convergence only to ignore it utterly throughout their bloated, mind numbingly over-scheduled proposals.

Friday September 1:
Show up whenever you wanna. Meet & Greet everyone as they arrive. The grills are hot, the music's playing and the bar is open. Stay as long as you want. Do whatcha' like. There's a guy selling cartons of smokes on the corner.

Saturday September 2:
The music is still playing, the grills are still hot and the bar never closed. Most folks never left last night anyway. Have a V8 and some runny eggs and lets get the next band on. Some folks might go into town later - hitch a ride if you want, or just hang out, they'll be back.

Sunday, September 3:
You're still alive? Good. Here's a water and a beer. Pull up a chair 'coz some more old pals just arrived a bit late and they've got some stories to tell. We'll keep screwing around until the booze dries up and the charcoal is gone.

Monday, September 4:
Time to go back to normal life - there's bills to pay. If you're still around on monday afternoon you'll have to help clean up. thats cool thou, Mac stashed a couple bags of charcoal and a keg for just that reason. If you're staying longer than that you'll probably end up living here. Welcome to the neiborhood. Don't just stand there, grab a rake.

Since this is an open bar situation, all three days will be 21+ event with ID. Sorry kids, it's the law.

Continue on to the Hotels & Transport page

Breakfast is served!